Smart Tech Group

Crowd Controllers

There are many factors to take into account, including crowd control, crowd monitoring and management, door security, conflict resolution, vulnerability assessments, risk management, and CCTV surveillance.

Any sizable crowd that is not properly managed has the potential to become out of control. Our trained crowd managers will make sure that doesn’t happen.

Security Guard wants to make sure that everyone has a good time, therefore we work to make your venue or event’s customer experience better. All of our staff have undertaken customer service training that we developed specifically for security officers in collaboration with the Australian Hotels Association (AHA).

Whether you require a discreet or highly visible security presence, we become familiar with your site or event and blend seamlessly with your team. Our crowd managers will give you more than simply crowd control; you can rely on them for that.

Security Guard stands out from other security firms we’ve dealt with because they can work closely with us to provide a service that is catered to our needs. The effectiveness of the security guard contributes to rather than detracts from the customer experience. They go above and above to ensure that the staff we receive is qualified and aware of the culture we are trying to create.